Newcomerstown, situated in southern Tuscarawas County along the Tuscarawas River, was once the capital of the Delaware Indian nation. Called “Gekelamukpechuck”, which means still water, the village became the capital of the Delaware Indian nation under Chief Netawatwes in 1764.
Newcomerstown is the home to legends. Famous sons include Cy Young, arguably the best baseball pitcher of all time, and Woody Hayes, the greatest football coach in the history of the Ohio State Buckeyes.
The Community Improvement Corporation of Newcomerstown (CIC) was the first CIC organized in the State of Ohio on September 24, 1963. The CIC is organized and operated in accordance with Chapter 1724 of the Ohio Revised Code and is a tax-exempt entity. The CIC receives no taxpayer funding.
Newcomerstown has been granted Enterprise Zone status by the State of Ohio. Businesses locating here may be eligible to receive help in securing grants or low interest loans for constructing new buildings or purchasing new equipment that create new jobs for the area. New businesses may also be eligible to receive long-term real property tax relief for facilities and equipment.